Physical Therapist Cover Letter

Physical Therapist Cover Letter - This cover letter shows very strong proposal that exudes enthusiasm in working for the target company....

For Physical Therapist Jobs

Dear Grey:

Following our interview today, I walked away thinking, "This is the company I really want to work for." I was impressed with your facilities, operations and personnel. Most notably, however, was philosophy of SRT - unwavering dedication to rehabilitation. I believe there is a close "fit" between your company's mission statement and my personal beliefs. Key words and phrases kept coming up over and over again that got me excited about joining your organization - "quality care," "going the extra mile," "teamwork" and "professionalism." I believe I can make a positive impact and would like to propose the following:

  • I would join your company as a subcontractor for the first 60-90 days (assessment period).
  • You will have the opportunity to see my skills before any long-term commitment is made.
  • You will see my team-spirited personality and how I will effectively interface with your clients and staff.
  • I will be highly active in promoting and recruiting new business to SRT based on my strong contacts.
  • If, after the initial assessment period you are pleased with my work, we can discuss permanent employment.

In closing, I feel that my training and passions are working with sports-related injuries and that our approaches to business and rehabilitation are on an equal par. There is no risk to SRT - if, for some unforeseeable reason this is not a good fit, neither party has made a long-term commitment. But I am confident that this will not be the case.

I will take the liberty of contacting you by week"s end to explore what next steps are needed to consummate this mutually beneficial arrangement. Once again, thank you for your time earlier today. I look forward to speaking with you on Friday.


Kathleen F.Gerber

Cover Letter Examples for Jobs at All Levels

Physical Therapist Cover Letter Hiring Proposal

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